Book a free consultation focusing on enabling strengths-based forms and workflows

Does your Local Authority want to ensure its forms and workflows underpin a strengths-based culture whilst remaining Care Act compliant?

Strengths-based culture in adult social care is gaining huge traction in Local Authorities across the country. This is leading to some great success stories – but also an increase in judicial reviews which are exposing failures by some areas in ensuring the legal principles of the Care Act in relation to assessment and personal budgets are followed.

Getting workflows, tools and forms right can ensure that social work practitioners are enabled and empowered to work effectively and defensibly within this ever-changing environment.

Local authorities can book a free consultation with us, where one of our experienced consultants will spend time with your practitioners and managers, listen to any challenges around current workflows and bottle-necks, and provide insights into best practices taking place around the country.

More information and booking.