FACE RAS V8.6 now available

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 8.6 of the FACE Resource Allocation System.

Major updates include:

  • ‘What If’ scenario planning: A series of optional new outputs which provide a range of ‘theoretical’ estimated personal budget figures for each service user, based on a variety of living situations.
  • Needs-based allocation for care homes: Enhancements to the formulae for individual needs-based allocations for care home cases.
  • New options for calculation of full-time education cases: New configuration option for removing weekday daytime allocations for staying safe, where these are covered within a college setting.
  • Improvement to Integrated Budgets / CHC Checklist Mapping: A change to the ‘Mobility’ domain’s mapping, arising from testing of the new integrated budgets ‘funding split’ functionality.

To upgrade to V8.6, please contact our Support Team on 0800 802 1884 or email us at support@imosphere.co.uk.