Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Atmolytics different from other analytics platforms?
The unique way in which the data is coded within the database is what makes Atmolytics such a powerful data discovery tool. The same data from multiple sources can be coded in the same way, so that the user can see all answers from a single operation. This, paired with a dynamic and minimalist user interface, makes data discovery simple and easy for non-technical users to achieve the reporting outputs they have not been able to do before.
- Uniquely designed to be easy to use, with no database or querying skills needed.
- Offers unmatched cohort discovery functionality supporting collaborative data exploration and analysis for population health management and clinical research.
- Enables automated report sharing and collaboration across organizations, with fully transparent data.
- Offers comprehensive control of access to sensitive patient data including by data element and source.
- Permissions control if identifiable data can be viewed.