Unveiling the challenges in adult social care: Insights from the ADASS Spring Survey 2024

The message from the ADASS Spring Survey 2024 is clear: the current approach to adult social care is unsustainable. The report paints a grim picture of a system under strain, with one-year funding settlements creating instability and hindering progress. This, coupled with rising complexity of needs and ever-growing waiting lists, is leading to a deterioration in the quality of life for many.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the key findings:
  • Strained finances: Adult social care budgets are facing unprecedented pressure, with overspending and reliance on short-term solutions.

  • Rising needs: People are presenting more complex care needs, requiring more intensive support.

  • Workforce challenges: Social care staff are taking on tasks previously handled by the NHS, often without proper resources.

  • Care market instability: Care providers are struggling, with closures impacting service availability.

  • Unpaid carers under pressure: The burden on unpaid carers is growing as they fill the gaps in the formal care system.

The impact of inaction

The report highlights the cascading effects of underfunded adult social care. Long waiting lists for NHS treatment, GP appointments, and social care itself create a vicious cycle. People with unmet needs experience a decline in health, well-being, and independence as they wait for support. This, in turn, increases the complexity of care required down the line, placing a further burden on the system.

A call for investment and collaboration

The ADASS report calls for a multi-pronged approach to address these issues:

  • Long-term funding: Stable, multi-year funding is crucial for local authorities to plan and invest in effective care solutions.

  • Shifting focus to prevention: Investing in preventative care and social care closer to home can keep people independent longer and reduce pressure on hospitals.

  • Workforce support: Improved pay and working conditions are essential to attract and retain a skilled social care workforce.

  • Empowering carers: Providing support to unpaid carers allows them to continue caring for loved ones without sacrificing their own well-being.

Charting the future

The path forward for adult social care in the UK requires a collective effort. By implementing the recommendations outlined in the ADASS Spring Survey 2024, we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable system. This system must be adequately funded, well-staffed, and willing to innovate to meet the needs of a diverse population. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that everyone receives the care and support they deserve, fostering a society that values and cares for its most vulnerable members.

Imosphere’s commitment

At Imosphere, we align our efforts with these insights and recommendations to enhance the delivery of adult social care. We are actively working with almost half of local authorities across England to:

  • Optimise budget management: Helping local authorities make informed financial decisions.

  • Model needs: Better understand the needs of your population to help inform budgets and market shaping.

  • Support unpaid carers: Our tools help ensure unpaid carer voices are heard and supported, with self-assessment helping you identify unpaid carers earlier, before care breakdown.

  • Demand management: Implementing digital front-door tools to empower citizens, reduce demand and streamline the assessment process.

  • Enhance care quality: Providing tools to manage complex care needs effectively and support people closer to home.

  • Support the workforce: Offering solutions that equip staff to save time and resources while working more effectively and efficiently.

  • Promote preventive care: Enabling early interventions to improve outcomes and reduce long-term costs.

Together, we can create a resilient, efficient, and compassionate adult social care system. Join us in making a difference. For more information, get in touch here for an informal consultation and to see how you can learn from other local authorities’ best practice while we support your needs.