[Event] Adult Social Care User Group
We're pleased to announce that our next Adult Social Care User Group will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023.
The event will run on Microsoft Teams, from 11:00 to 15:00 (with a break for lunch).
The user group will cover:
- Upgrading to Version 9 - what’s involved
- Benchmarking - our new approach
- Self-assessment - updates from early adopters of the tool
- Roadmap for 2023/2024
- Your highlighted topics - for example, hospital discharge forms and processes. Let us know what you’d like to cover here.
There is space on the registration form for you to flag any topics you’d like to cover on the day. We’ll be facilitating discussions between other sites on some of the core issues facing you all.
You’ll also have chance to ask questions and network with other sites throughout the day.
All of our Adult Social Care customers are welcome to attend, however there is a limit of four attendees per organisation.