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How have other local authorities approached changes in funding between the new estimated amount, and the amount currently being provided to schools/colleges?

Formulate for SEND (Education Banding Tool) provides a means of facilitating discussions with schools/colleges and/or parents/carers. The tool gives a starting point for discussing funding amounts, by estimating an amount of top-up funding to support SEND in a fair and consistent way, based on the child or young person’s individual needs and outcomes.

Where there is disagreement over the estimated amount, the first step is to ensure the levels of need recorded in the Needs Profile reflect the child or young person appropriately. In this way, the Needs Profile also acts as an evidence base for challenges to decisions where needs may not have been reflected appropriately. However, the tool is only able to provide an estimate, and the actual amount of top-up funding provided may be different for a number of reasons.

Where the tool estimates a different level of top-up funding to support a child or young person’s needs than is currently provided, following agreement with the school/college, most local authorities have opted to either gradually reduce or increase the top-up funding provided as needed, to ensure the child or young person’s outcomes are met. Alternatively, some local authorities have opted to continue to provide the previously agreed level of top-up funding where this is meeting the child or young person’s outcomes appropriately.