Improvements to Broadcast Messages, Demographics and Bulk Printing in version 2023.1 of Care Partner

We’re pleased to announce that v2023.1 of Care Partner is now available. Here are some of the latest improvements:

Broadcast Messages

Broadcast Messages now appear after the user has logged on, and require acknowledgement before entering the system.

Broadcast Messages are now more configurable and allow formatting such as bold, italics, headings, lists, images and hyperlinks.

Broadcast Messages in Care Partner v2023.1

Additional item for capturing both ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender’

In order to allow accurate data to be captured for a service user, an additional data item has been created on the registration screen. This means that both a service user’s sex and gender can be entered.

Previous responses provided for Gender will be transferred to the new Sex field. PAS system, letter templates, PDF print and other bespoke development have been updated to reflect the data required.

Sex and Gender items in Care Partner v2023.1

Service User Bulk Print

Within this release, a new bulk print feature has been developed. This will allow all users of the system to export and print multiple activities at once for an individual service user.

Resolved issues

This release sees a number of bug fixes and more general improvements across the application. Details are available in the full release notes.

Please contact your Imosphere project representative to discuss upgrade options.