Imosphere launches Customer Forum

We’re pleased to announce that Imosphere’s Customer Forum is now live for our Adult Social Care customers.

The forum is designed to bring our customers together, providing a platform for discussion, insights and collaboration. On the forum, customers will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect: Engage with fellow customers and exchange ideas

  • Learn: Gain valuable insights, tips and tricks from experts and experienced users to make the most out of our products

  • Share: Share their experiences, feedback and suggestions directly with us to help shape the future of our offerings

  • Get support: Receive timely assistance, troubleshoot together and discover solutions to common queries from both the Imosphere team and other knowledgeable users.

Pip Jordan, Senior Customer Success Consultant, said: “We wanted to create a space where customers can collaborate with each other, discuss their processes, and share any helpful information around the Imosphere products. We’ve had a great start with over 40 users now registered from 15 local authorities, with some interesting discussions so far around features, local best practice, etc.”

If you are an Imosphere Adult Social Care customer and haven’t yet signed up to the Forum, please get in touch with your Imosphere representative. We hope to roll the forum out to more Imosphere customers, including SEND and CHC, within the next year.

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