Formulate for Personal Health Budgets

Continuing Healthcare & Children’s Continuing Care

Formulate is the tool of choice for Integrated Care Boards to provide fair, accurate and financially sustainable budgets to individuals with complex health needs.

Request a demo now to find out how Formulate can help you deliver Personal Health Budgets in a fair, transparent and sustainable way.

A better, fairer, and more consistent way to manage funding.

Needs Profile

Build a fair and accurate profile by capturing the individual's need and sustainable levels of unpaid support across all key areas that influence the resources required, supplemented by adding their assessed DST levels to enhance accuracy levels.

CareCalc Platform

Complete the Needs Profile within a simple, intuitive online platform for a digitised approach that supports appropriate information sharing and quick and easy updates over time.

Formulate Calculation

Formulate combines the answers from the Needs Profile with the configuration decisions made by the ICB to determine a fair, consistent and accurate allocation for each individual.

Valuable Outputs

Once a Needs Profile is complete:
- Quality assurance feedback is firstly provided to highlight any potential inconsistencies.
- Then, an accurate Estimated PHB figure and a breakdown of the budget is calculated based on the individual's Needs Profile.