Formulate for SEND

Education Banding Tool

Ensure fair and transparent allocation of high-needs funding with Formulate for SEND.

The current top-up funding process is manual and time-consuming, relying heavily on basic tools like Excel, Word, and email, resulting in issues with version control, user experience, and inconsistencies in funding allocation.

Formulate for SEND was custom-built alongside parents, teachers, SENCOs, headteachers, commissioners and psychologists, to digitise the process, making it easier, less frustrating, and more consistent for schools and local authorities.

Benefits of Formulate for SEND

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Monitor and control your SEND budget
Formulate's customisable band levels help plan future spend to stay within budget​.

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Work inclusively
Formulate caters to all children and young people, adapting to individual needs​.

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Be fair and consistent
Formulate promotes fairness by allocating similar funding for individuals with similar needs​.

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Focus on needs
Formulate enables individuals' funding to be based on their identified needs, ensuring optimal support​.

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Make evidence-based decisions
Formulate's defensibility and clarity leads to a smoother process, with less time negotiating with schools.

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Learn from what's worked elsewhere
Share best practices and compare with other LAs through benchmarking insights.

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Improve quality of EHC Plans
Existing users of Formulate have seen data quality improve as EHCPs 'feed' the tool​.

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Forecast well by tracking changing need
Use Formulate to measure change in need over time and help forecast future need​.

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Be data driven
Subscription includes updates over time to keep things current and ensure good data quality​.

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Be prepared for a future national framework
Formulate is England's only nationally-ready SEND funding tool​.