Formulate for SEND

Education Banding Tool

Ensure fair and transparent allocation of high-needs funding with Formulate for SEND.

The Green Paper on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), published at the end of March 2022, sets out the Government’s proposals to ensure that every child and young person has their needs identified quickly and met more consistently.

Imosphere has long acknowledged that the UK’s current SEND provision system results in outcomes that vary too much across schools, local areas, and regions. Our tools and solutions have been supporting local authorities for nearly 30 years to allocate top-up funding fairly and accurately, while improving the management of resources and helping to deliver better outcomes.

Imosphere is confident that Formulate for SEND meets many of the high aspirations that the Government has set out in the green paper. As the new government begins its tenure, we hope to see a system that values children’s needs and will deliver better outcomes and improvements that we have been advocating for decades.

If you would like more details or to book a short demo of the Formulate for SEND banding tool, please do not hesitate to get in touch.