Imosphere’s 2023 Highlights

Reform delays and industry challenges

As we stepped into 2023, adult social care was continuing to evolve, offering both challenges and opportunities. The strides made in 2022 towards adapting to and overcoming the challenges posed by COVID-19 set the stage for a year of adjustment and innovation. However, the eagerly anticipated adult social care reforms experienced setbacks, introducing a layer of complexity to the landscape this year.

This delay, coupled with persistent challenges such as budget constraints and workforce issues, presents a unique set of hurdles for the sector. The tug-of-war between governmental policies and the on-the-ground realities of adult social care requires careful navigation. The postponement of crucial reforms prompted industry players, including Imosphere, to recalibrate strategies, placing emphasis on resilience and adaptability in the face of these unexpected delays.

The government’s attention to the future of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) introduces another layer to the narrative. While the delayed SEND green paper held promise for improved inclusivity and support, its timing amidst broader challenges underscores the intricacies of managing reforms within a dynamic and evolving social care landscape. Moving forward, Imosphere remains committed to collaboratively addressing these challenges, seeking innovative solutions, and contributing to the ongoing evolution of adult social care and education in the UK.

Shaping the future

Imosphere remains at the forefront of adult social care and SEND, navigating the changing landscape alongside local authorities. The industry-wide commitment to increasing resources and capacity, coupled with a dedication to fostering a positive cultural shift, has been instrumental in the progress made throughout the education, health, and social care sectors. Imosphere’s collaborative efforts with local authorities underscore a shared commitment to defining new and bold approaches, fostering sustainability, and tackling the unique challenges of the industry head-on.

In 2023, Imosphere recognises the pivotal space at which the education, health, and social care industries finds themselves; a juncture where innovative ways of working can be embraced, and sustainability can be woven into the fabric of operations. The role of technology and tools in this transformation cannot be overstated. Imosphere has actively worked with local authorities and NHS organisations to enable them to leverage technology to enhance the efficiency of education, health, and social care operations for decades – with 2023 seeing an exceptional uptake in our tools and solutions. This has translated into accelerated processes, heightened productivity, and helping authorities to balance supporting citizens with their fiscal responsibilities.

As we close the chapter on 2023, Imosphere reflects with optimism on the positive impact achieved in the adult social care and education space. The collaborative efforts with local authorities have not only marked short-term successes, but have laid the foundation for continued evolution and triumphs in the years to come. Imosphere stands ready to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that 2024 holds, ensuring that the journey towards a more effective, compassionate, and sustainable adult social care and education system continues.

Our year in headlines

Imosphere announced that Version 9 of our Strengths-based Toolset and 'Formulate' Personal Budgets solution became available for use within the Liquidlogic Adults' Social Care System (LAS).

Rachel Phillips, Solutions Consultant at Imosphere, joined Cove Healthcare for an insightful podcast discussing clinical risk assessment and management.

Oliver Brown, Head of Product at Imosphere, discussed the need to support and recognise unpaid carers in a LocalGov opinion article.

CareCalc updates were rolled out including Data Explorer – a feature that allows users to easily view key information relating to their submissions, such as number of submissions and common scoring issues.

Imosphere explored the build vs buy dilemma faced by local authorities around assessment and resource allocation tools, delving into the benefits and drawbacks of buying off-the-shelf and developing a system in-house.

A case study was published highlighting how a Midlands-based Integrated Care Board (ICB) digitised its Personal Health Budget process with Imosphere to provide indicative sums that are fair, consistent, and based on assessed needs.

The Imosphere Self-assessment Tool – developed to enable individuals to submit details of their social care needs to local authorities online – was awarded a Crystal Mark from the Plain English Campaign.

Our "Guide to maximising self-assessment tools for adult social care" user group was well attended with teams from over 20 local authorities participating, networking with others and learning more about Formulate and our self-assessment tool for social care.

FACE Risk and CARAS tools were updated following the release of new NICE guidelines.

Improvements were rolled out to exports, workflows, and broadcast messages in Care Partner, giving users greater control over current and historical data while speeding up export times.

Imosphere launched a well-received whitepaper discussing the national best practice approach for local authorities to estimate personal budgets.

In our mission to empower local authorities and stakeholders in adult social care, Imosphere evaluated how we are empowering transformation in Adult Social Care and our path to realising value for local authorities.

Imosphere exhibited at The National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC), connecting with industry colleagues and sharing the latest thoughts about key policies and strategies for improvement.

Imosphere is excited to announce our first webinar of 2024, co-hosted by Dorset Council, Suffolk County Council, and Sunderland City Council sharing best practice, cutting edge solutions. Learn more and register here.

We close the year celebrating 30 years of success and partnerships within education, health, and social care, with several exciting events, partnerships and announcements in the pipeline.